Roland HPi-7LE Musical Instrument User Manual

Playing Along With A Song
Moving an assigned marker
After assigning a marker in the song, you can hold down the [ ] button and press the [ (Bwd)]
or [ (Fwd)] button to adjust the location at which marker A was assigned. To adjust the location of
marker B, hold down the [ ] button and press the [ (Bwd)] or [ (Fwd)] button.
Moving to the location of an assigned marker
After assigning a marker in the song, press either the [ ] or [ ] buttons to move (jump) to the
location of the marker.
Playing repeatedly between markers.
After assigning both markers A and B, press the [ ] button. In the screen, turn “Repeat” to “On.”
When you press the [ (Play/Stop)] button, playback will repeat between the markers.
* If “Repeat” in the Marker screen is turned “On,” you can press the [ ] button to display the Notation screen and
play back repeatedly.
Anything you want to do that involves markers, including moving to a particular marker, is accomplished within the
Marker screen.
Deleting a marker you’ve assigned
Hold down the [ ] button, and press the [ ] button to delete marker A, or press the [ ] button to
delete marker B.
Assigning a marker in the middle of a measure (
A marker can be assigned in the middle (at the beginning of a beat) of a measure.
Press the [Marker/Count] button. In the Count screen, press the [ (Marker)]
The screen for setting markers appears.
Press the [ (Resolution)] button once more to access the Resolution setting
Markers will be assigned to the beginning of a measure.
Markers will be assigned to the beginning of a beat.
If you want to assign a marker to the beginning of a beat, assign
the marker while playing back the song.
If you use Repeat Playback without assigning marker A or B
The entire selected song will be played back repeatedly.
If you use Repeat Playback when only marker A is assigned
The song will play back repeatedly from marker A to the end of the song.
If you use Repeat Playback when only marker B is assigned
The song will play back repeated from the beginning of the song to marker B. 23 ページ 2005年1月18日 火曜日 午後4時39分