
3. Volume, Pan
This function changes the volume and pan settings for each MIDI
channel in the user song (rewrites the Voice information in the
song’s header). This control change will be transmitted when a
song is selected and when song playback is stopped.
* Press the [VALUE-] button to cancel the copy operation.
* During song playback, the copy operation cannot be carried out.
ERROR SEQ is Runningwill appear. Stop the song and try
the copy operation again.
* If memory is insufficient when in the copy operation, “ERROR
Memory Fullwill appear. Clear any unnecessary user songs
and try the copy operation again.
When the copy operation is complete, “Complete!will ap-
5. Quantize
This function quantizes each track q of the user song to the accu-
racy w defined here.
quantize: When the timing of the sequence data that was recorded
is inaccurate, this function is used to correct the timing. The
accuracy for correcting can be assigned using note lengths.
q MIDI Channel
[Range] Ch1-Ch16
w Control Change transmit On/Off
off: Does not transmit.
e Vol (Volume)
[Range] 0-127
r Pan
[Range] 0-127
4. Song Copy
This function copies the assigned song q to the user song that is
currently selected.
When the Song Copy operation is carried out, all
data in the User Song that is currently selected will
be replaced with data of the copy source.
q from (Copy Source)
[Range] 1-127
Sets the song that is the copy source. The song number and name
will be displayed. A preset song or a user song can be assigned.
Assign the Copy Source Song on the display shown
above, press the [SAVE/ENT] button. The following dis-
play will appear asking for confirmation before the copy
operation is carried out.
When the Quantize operation is carried out, all data
in the assigned track of the currently selected user
song will be replaced.
q TR (Specified Track)
Assigns the track (“1” or “2”) to be quantized.
w Value (Quantize Accuracy)
[Range] ƒ quarter note, ƒ3 quarter note (triplet),
© eighth note, ©3 eighth note (triplet),
˙ sixteenth note, ˙3 sixteenth note (triplet)
Set the track and the quantize accuracy on the display
shown above, press the [SAVE/ENT] button.
The following display will appear asking for confirmation
before the quantize operation is carried out.
Press the [SAVE/ENT] or [VALUE+] button, the quantize
operation will be carried out.
* Press the [VALUE-] button to cancel the quantize operation.
* During song playback, the quantize operation cannot be car-
ried out. “ERROR SEQ is Runningwill appear. Stop the
song and try the quantize operation again.
* If memory is insufficient when in the quantize operation, “ER-
ROR Memory Fullwill appear. Clear any unnecessary user
songs and try the quantize operation again.
When the quantize operation is complete, “Complete!” will ap-
SONG Ch 1=off
Vol= --- Pan=---
e r
from= 1Latiniq
Press the [SAVE/ENT] or [VALUE+] button, the copy
operation will be carried out.
CopySONG From 1
Are you sure ?
SONG Quantize
TR=1 Value=ƒ
q w
Quantize Tri ƒ
Are you sure ?
Song Job Mode