Install the calibration kit devices to the test ports as instructed by the
U3 menu. Both the capacitance coefficients for the Open and the offset
lengths for the Open and Short can be modified or defined.
Selecting the Begin Cal key starts the calibration process. The Calibra
tion menus step you through the calibration process, as follows:
Select the type of calibration desired.
Select the frequency range of calibration. Using the Data Points key,
you can choose from 51 up to 1601 measurement data points.
When the calibration is completed, you can store the calibration data
on a disk. You are now ready to install the test device and proceed with
the measurement. At this point you have a number of measurement
options to consider such as displays, markers, limits, outputs, sweeps,
and enhancements.
You can select any of the available graph types and display them for
any calibrated parameter on any of the four channels (if a 12-term cal-
ibration was performed).
8-4 37xxxE OM