Chapter 7—Measurement Calibration
This chapter provides a discussion and tutorial on measurement calibration. It contains step-by-step
calibration procedures for the Standard (OSL), Offset-Short, TRM, and LRL/LRM methods. It also
has a procedure for calibrating using a sliding termination.
Chapter 8—Measurements
This chapter discusses measurements with the 37xxxE VNA. It contains sub-chapters that provide a
detailed descriptions for Transmission and Reflection, Low Level and Gain, Group Delay, Active
Device, Multiple Source Control, Adapter Removal, Gain Compression, and Receiver Mode
Chapter 9—Time Domain
This chapter describes the Option 2, Time Domain feature. It provides an operational procedure and
a flowchart of the time domain menus.
Chapter 10—AutoCal
This chapter describes the Automatic Calibrator (AutoCal) feature and provides operational informa-
tion and procedures.
Chapter 11—Operational Checkout Procedures
This chapter provides a procedure for operational checkout
Appendix A—Front Panel Menus, Alphabetical Listing
This appendix shows all of the menus that are called up using the front panel controls. It provides a
replica of the menu and descriptive text for all of the various menu choices. The listing is alphabeti-
cal by the menu call letters mentioned and/or illustrated in Chapter 4.
Appendix B—Model 37xxxE VNA Rear Panel Connectors
This appendix describes the rear panel connectors. It also provides pinout listing.
Appendix C—Performance Specifications
For printed versions of this manual, Appendix C contains the Technical Data Sheet, part number
11410-00573, which provides performance specifications.
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Narrative Table of Contents (Continued)