The standard S2P file format consists of:
Option Lines
Data Lines
The option line contains the specifications of the data, for example, the
frequency units, the normalizing impedance, and the measured param
eter (S, Y, Z, etc.).
The option line format is:
# <frequency unit> <parameter> <format> <Rn>
# The delimiter that tells the program you are specifying these param
frequency unit The set of units desired (GHz, MHz, KHz, Hz)
parameter The parameter desired (S, Y or Z for S1P components; S, Y, Z, G, or
H for S2P components; S for S3P or S4P components)
format The format desired (DB for dB-angle, MA for magnitude-angle, or RI
for real-imaginary)
R n The reference resistance in ohms, where n is a positive number of
ohms (the real impedance to which the parameters are normalized)
The default option line for a component data files is:
For Y-parameters with real imaginary data, the option line header will
change to:
The data lines contain the data of interest. Data for all four S-parame
ters will be listed on a single line for a particular frequency point. The
format is:
37xxxE OM 8-75