The individual keys within the Measurement key-group are described
below. Flowcharts of the Setup Key and Data Points key menus are
shown in Figure 4-8. As described for the calibration menus, the flow
is left-to-right and the double arrowhead lines indicate that the flow
returns to the calling menu once a selection has been made. Full menu
descriptions can be found in the alphabetically ordered Appendix A
under the menu’s call letters (SU1, SU2, DF, etc).
Setup Menu Key: Pressing this key calls Sweep Setup Menu SU1 or
SU3. Depending upon which menu items you select, additional menus
may also be called.
Data Points Key: Pressing this key calls Menu SU9 or SU9A. Menu
SU9 provides for data point selection. Menu SU9A is called if the C.W.
MODE selection in Menu SU1 is on.
Hold Key: If the instrument is sweeping, pressing this key results in
an immediate halt of the sweep at the current data point. The LED on
the button lights, indicating that the Hold Mode is active.
If you restart the sweep after performing any recall-from-disk opera-
tions in the Hold Mode (sweep stopped at some data point), the sweep
restarts from the beginning. The instrument may be taken out of the
hold mode as follows:
q By pressing the Default Program key. This causes the 37xxxE to
revert to a predefined state
By pressing the Begin Cal key. This causes the 37xxxE to resume
sweeping and begin the Calibration Menu sequence
See the description for Menu SU4 for a discussion of the
interaction between the Hold Mode and the selection of
“Single Sweep” or “Restart Sweep.”
Domain Key: This key function is fully described in paragraph 4-2
(page 4-8). Additionally, if the Time Domain option is installed, making
a selection other than “Frequency Domain” lets you display measured
data in the time domain. It also calls a further sequence of Time Do
main Menus. Refer to section 9-2 for additional details.
Appl: Pressing this key calls a menu that lets you select the following
applications: Adapter Removal, Swept Frequency Gain Compression,
or Swept Power Gain Compression.
37xxxE OM 4-21