10-3 CALIBRATIONS Four types of calibration can be performed using AutoCal:
One-Port: S11 1-Port and S22 1-Port are 1-port calibrations per
formed on the indicated port of the VNA and are equivalent to the tra
ditional Open-Short-Load calibrations.
Full 2-Port: This type is equivalent to the traditional
Open-Short-Load-Thru (OSLT) calibration.
Thru Update: This type is a new form of calibration which is used to
update an existing 12-term calibration in the VNA. This calibration
could have been performed using any method of calibration which
yields 12 terms (LRL, LRM, AutoCal, or OSLT). Due to cable move
ment and aging, the calibration may have degraded over time. The
Thru Update refreshes the calibration by measuring a Thru connec
tion and updating the Transmission Tracking and Load Match calibra
tion coefficients.
Adapter Removal: This calibration measures the characteristics of
male-male or female-female test port cables for subsequent measure-
ment of non-insertable devices. An adapter is required for this calibra-
tion. Adapter Removal requires two calibration procedures in order to
calculate the parameters and electrical length of the adapter.
10-4 DEFINITIONS The following terms are used in explaining the calibration procedure
using the AutoCal module:
Thru: A thru is a connection of the two test ports. Two kinds of thru
connections are defined for the AutoCal calibration: (1) a Calibrator
thru is an internal path through the calibrator. (2) a True thru is a di
rect cable connection between the test ports, with no intervening con
nectors. The calibrator thru is not as accurate as a true thru, so the
you have the option during a calibration to use the more accurate
method, if necessary.
Switch Averaging: The mechanical AutoCal module uses electro-me
chanical switches to select calibration standards. These switches have
a small amount of non-repeatability (typically less than –55 dB). For
most calibrations, this is more than adequate because it is below con
nector repeatability error. If desired, you can choose to reduce the ef
fect of this non-repeatability in the mechanical module by using
Switch Averaging, which causes additional calibration measurements.
By setting a Switch Averaging factor larger than 1, switch repeatabil
ity error will be reduced. The tradeoff is that calibration time will be
proportionally increased.
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