9-6 ANTI-GATING Anti-gating is the opposite of gating. Whereby, gating provides for re
moving all but the desired response, anti-gating displays all but the
desired response. To provide anti-gating, gate in the normal manner,
except use a minus value for the SPAN width.
Examples of anti-gating are shown in Figures 9-19 through 9-24. The
figures, all captured from an actual VNA display, show a sequence of
measurements using gating and anti-gating to enhance measurement
technique and accuracy. The examples use a dented length of semi-
rigid cable having a connector on one end and a connector-DUT on the
other end, as shown below. The DUT has a smoothly varying 15 dB re
turn loss.
9-8 TIME DOMAIN MENUS A flow diagram of the menus associated with the Time Domain Option
is shown in foldout Figure 9-25. The menu choices are described in Ap
pendix A. They appear in alphabetical order by their call letters: TD1,
TD2, TD2dl, etc.
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