2-4 GPIB SETUP All functions of the 37xxxE (except power on/off and initialization of
the SD Card) can be controlled remotely by an external computer/con
troller via the IEEE-488.2 GPIB. The information in this section per
tains to interface connections and cable requirements for the rear
panel GPIB connector. Refer to the Model 37xxxE Programming Man
ual, Anritsu Part Number 10410-00301, for information about remote
operation of the 37xxxE using the GPIB.
The 37xxxE GPIB operates with any IBM XT, AT, or PS/2 compatible
computer/controller equipped with a National Instruments
GPIB-PCII/IIA interface card and software.
Interface Connector Interface between the 37xxxE and other devices on the GPIB is via a
standard 24-wire GPIB interface cable. For proper operation, order
Anritsu part number 2100-1, -2, -4, or -5 (1, 2, 4, or 0.5 meter length)
cables through your local sales representative. This cable uses a
double-sided connector; one connector face is a plug, the other a
receptacle. These double-function connectors allow parallel connection
of two or more cables to a single instrument connector. The pin
assignments for the rear panel GPIB connector are shown in Figure
B-2, located in Appendix B.
Cable Length Restrictions The GPIB system can accommodate up to 15 instruments at any one
time. To achieve design performance on the bus, proper timing and
voltage level relationships must be maintained. If either the cable
length between separate instruments or the accumulated cable length
between all instruments is too long, the data and control lines cannot
be driven properly and the system may fail to perform. Cable length
restrictions are as follows:
No more than 15 instruments may be installed on the bus.
Total accumulative cable length in meters may not exceed two
times the number of bus instruments or 20 meters—whichever is
For low EMI applications, the GPIB cable should be a fully
shielded type, with well-grounded metal-shell connec
tors. (Use Anritsu 2100-series cables.)
37xxxE OM 2-5