Displaying version information
You can use the OSD interface to view the versions of the appliance and the SAM
firmware. For more information, see “Appendix A” beginning on page 45.
To view version information, complete the following steps:
1. Press Print Screen. The Main window opens.
2. Click Commands > Display Versions. The Version window opens. The top pane of
the window lists the subsystem versions in the appliance.
Figure 4-14. Version window
3. Click the SAM button to view individual SAM version information. The SAM Select
window opens.
4. Select a SAM to view and click the Version button. The SAM Version window
opens. For more information about loading firmware, see “Appendix A” beginning
on page 45.
5. Click X to close the SAM Version window.
Upgrading the firmware
You can also use the OSD interface to upgrade the firmware available for the appliance.
For optimum performance, keep the firmware current.