
Print Driver Security Features
Print Job Accounting
A standard feature in Canon’s printer drivers, print job accounting requires users to enter an
administrator-defined password prior to printing, thereby restricting device access to those
authorized to print. Printing restrictions can be set using Department ID credentials or through
the Access Management System.
Custom Driver Configuration Tool
Administrators can create customer driver
profiles for users to limit access to print features and specify default settings, thereby
protecting the device against unauthorized use, enforcing internal policies and better control
output costs. Security conscious settings that can be defined and enforced include duplex
output, secure print, B&W only on color devices, watermarks and custom print profiles, as well
as hiding any desired functions. For easier deployment, the customized drivers can be
distributed to desktops across the organization through the Printer Driver Management
Plug-in for imageWARE Enterprise Management Console (iWEMC).
USB Block
USB Block allows the System Administrator to help protect the imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems
against unauthorized access through the built-in USB interface. Access to the device’s USB interface
for desktop access and the device’s host mode for other USB devices can each be permitted or
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2.4 – Third Party MEAP Application and Development
Canon actively collaborates with leading third-party software companies to develop custom solutions
for imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems, known as MEAP applications. Each MEAP enabled device
includes a number of safeguards to help ensure the security and integrity of information stored on
the device.
Access to the Software Development Kit for MEAP is tightly restricted and controlled through
licensing. Once an application has been developed, it is thoroughly reviewed by Canon to ensure that
it meets strict guidelines for operability and security. Following the review, the application is digitally
signed with a special encrypted signature to protect the integrity of the application. If the application
is modified in any way, the signature code will not match and the application will not be permitted to
run on the device. These safety measures make it virtually impossible for an altered or rogue MEAP
application to be executed on an imageRUNNER ADVANCE system.
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 2 — Device Security