Few security procedures can completely prevent the intentional leak of confidential information while
maintaining high productivity, but if an occurrence does happen it is important to be able to trace it
to the source. Canon has developed a number of cutting-edge technologies to provide administrators
with powerful ways to discourage leaks and investigate unauthorized access.
6.1 – Document Scan Lock & Trace
On imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems, users and administrators can enable the optional Document
Scan Lock & Trace feature to place restrictions on the use of hardcopy originals. If a locked document
is copied, scanned or faxed on another imageRUNNER ADVANCE system with the document scan lock
trace feature installed and enabled, the operation will be locked-out and a record of its unauthorized
copying with the user’s name will be logged.
The “Lock” capability of the Scan Lock Trace feature needs to be separated from the “Trace” capability
and the details listed below need to be added:
The available restrictions are as follows:
1. Prohibit All: No one can make any copy/send/fax
2. Password Authentication: Allow to make copy/send/fax only if proper password is entered
3. User Authentication: Allow to make copy/send/fax only to authorized user with proper User ID
and Password
1. Ability to embed hidden Tracking Information such as User Name, Date/Time and Device Name
on the background of the copied and printed document
2. Document Scan Code Analyzer for MEAP allows you to track Who, When and with Which device
the document was copied or printed by simply scanning the document on the device
3. Only the authorized personal can access to the tracking information of the document by
entering a required password
The Document Scan Code Analyzer for MEAP, which is available only to users in the system
administrators group, to track who, when and with which device the document was copied or printed
by simply scanning the document containing the hidden tracking code on the device.
FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhee DDooccuummeenntt SSccaann LLoocckk && TTrraaccee ffeeaattuurree,, pplleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 6 – Logging & Auditing