
22.. MMaaiill BBooxx PPrriinntt
aa.. MMaaiill BBooxx PPrriinntt
When a user prints a job stored in the Mail Box, all pages will be overwritten
immediately after the entire job has printed out.
33.. SSeenndd//SSccaann JJoobb
aa.. SSeenndd//SSccaann ddaattaa
When a user sends or scans a job to another destination, all page data will be deleted
or overwritten immediately after the entire job has been sent.
bb.. FFaaxx//II--FFaaxx DDaattaa
When the “Fax Activity Report” function is set to ‘On’, the data will be overwritten
immediately after the device receives confirmation of a successful transmission.
If the failed transmission occurs, the data will remain while the device retries. If the
“Fax Activity Report” is set to “off” all data will be deleted at once.
Performance Impact Using the HDD Data Erase Kit
It is important to note that the HDD Data Erase Kit settings can affect overall performance of
the device depending on what types of jobs are being submitted to the device, and the
selected level of overwrite protection. If many large jobs are sent to the device with the
‘Overwrite Three Times’ option selected, then delays, although minimal, should be expected
for devices with speeds over 50 images per minute (ipm). For devices with speeds lower than
50 ipm, HDD Erase Kit related settings will have no impact on performance.
Removable HDD Kit
The imageRUNNER Removable HDD Data Kit option provides a means for system administrators
to physically lock the device’s internal hard disk drive into the system during normal
operation, thereby decreasing the risk of theft. Once the device has been powered down,
the drive can be unlocked and removed for storage in a secure location.
Job Log Conceal Function
The standard Job Log Conceal function ensures that jobs processed through the device are
not visible to a walk up user or through the Remote UI. The Job Log information although
concealed, is still accessible by the administrator, who can print the Job Log to show copy, fax,
print and scan usage on the device. The administrator can select [On]
or [Off] for Job Log Conceal under Settings / Registration > Management
Settings > Device Management > Display Log.
When [On] is selected, the job log is displayed. If Job Log Display is set
to [Off], the following features and settings will not be displayed on
screen or activated:
Copy, send, fax, and, print log from System Monitor
Receive from system monitor
Send Activity management report when equipped with
Canon’s optional Scan and Send Kit.
Fax Activity management report
Auto print is set to [Off] disabling the Daily Send &
Fax Activity Report
The default setting for Job Log Conceal is [Off].
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Job Log Conceal Screen
Section 3 – Information Security