IEEE 802.1X
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems support IEEE 802.1x, which is a standard protocol for port-
based Network Access Control. The protocol provides authentication to devices attached to a LAN port
and establishes a point-to-point connection only if authentication is successful. The Extensible
Authentication Protocol (EAP) is attached to both wired and wireless LAN networks, allowing multiple
authentication methods such as cards and one-time passwords.
IEEE 802.1X functionality is already supported by many Ethernet switches, and can prevent guest,
rogue, or unmanaged systems that cannot perform a successful authentication from connecting to
your network.
SNMP Community String
Community Strings are like passwords for the management elements of network devices. There is a
community string which is used for read-only access to a network element. The default value for
this community string for most network devices is often "public". Using this community string an
application can retrieve data from the imageRUNNER ADVANCE system’s Management Information
Base (MIB) elements. There is also a read-write community string, and its default value is usually
“private.” Using the read-write community string, an application can actually change values for
MIB variables.
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems use public and private as the default SNMP community
strings, but these may be renamed to a user-defined value for increased security. In addition,
the systems support SNMPv3, which provides greater security by protecting data against tampering,
ensuring access is limited to authorized users through authentication and encrypting data sent
over a network.
To modify SNMP community strings go to Settings / Registration > Preferences > Network > SNMP
USB Block
Administrators have complete control over enabling or disabling access to the imageRUNNER
ADVANCE system’s USB port, and can independently control the ability to connect to computers or
plug-in peripherals.
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Scan and Send - Virus Concerns for E-mail Reception
For imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems with Scan and Send capabilities enabled, the device will always
discard any attached viruses in e-mail messages upon receipt.
Scan and Send-enabled devices support POP3 and SMTP as e-mail reception protocols. When data is
received, the e-mail text is separated from any file attachments, and only TIFF image files among the
attached files are printed and transferred.
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 4 – Network Security