
Please see below for overwrite examples of what occurs on the device in certain job modes
using a job consisting of three sets of three originals.
11.. CCooppyy//PPrriinntt MMooddee::
aa.. GGrroouupp SSoorrtt
When a user programs a job to be sorted into group sets with no finishing specified,
the page data would be overwritten every time a ‘set’ is complete.
bb.. CCoollllaattee SSoorrtt
When a user programs a job to be sorted into collated sets with no finishing specified,
the page data would be overwritten as each page of the last set is printed out.
cc.. SSttaappllee SSoorrtt
When a user programs a job to be sorted into stapled sets, the page data will be
overwritten page-by-page after all of the stapled sets finish printing.
dd.. RReemmoottee//CCaassccaaddee CCooppyy
When a user programs a remote or cascade copy job, depending on the settings
chosen, page data will either immediately be overwritten page-by-page or the page
data will be overwritten page-by-page after the entire job has finished.
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 3 – Information Security