White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
The Scan Lock feature enables the following restrictions to be applied to a document:
• Complete Restriction: No one can make any copy/send/fax.
• Password Authentication: Allows the ability to make copy/send/fax only if the proper
password is entered.
• User Authentication: Allows the ability to make copy/send/fax only to original
authorized user logged into the device with the proper User ID and Password.
System administrators can choose to force all scan and copy jobs to apply Document Scan
Lock & Tracking code onto each print job, as well as choose whether to allow all or prohibit all
copy, scan, send and fax jobs of documents that contain the hidden tracking code.
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ccoonnssuulltt tthhee
LLooggggiinngg && AAuuddiittiinngg sseeccttiioonn
iinn tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt..
3.2 – Data Security*
A wide variety of device and network security features are standard on imageRUNNER ADVANCE
systems. Canon recognizes that each customer’s needs are different, therefore Canon offers various
advanced security options to assist companies in meeting their internal privacy goals and address
regulatory guidelines that may be applicable to certain environments.
These options have been developed in accordance with the extended security requirements of key
customers and U.S. government agencies. Canon offers advanced security features that protect data
stored on the device and during transmission.
Data at Rest
HDD and RAM Data Protection
All imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems require hard disk and RAM for their normal operation.
The partitions on the imageRUNNER ADVANCE hard disk are formatted with one of the
following types of file systems:
• iR File System
• FAT 32-Compatible File System
The “iR File System” is a Canon proprietary file system that was designed solely for the
processing of image files in a fast and efficient manner. This file system is not compatible
with commonly used PC file systems, and therefore analyzing its data at the sector level is
extremely difficult.
The “Fat-32 Compatible File-System” is the file system used by the imageRUNNER Advance for
the disk areas that store the system firmware, MEAP applications, Mail Box and Advance Box
In general, it is difficult to analyze the data on these file systems at the sector level,
however, Canon recognizes that highly motivated and experienced attackers may try to obtain
Section 3 – Information Security
* Some imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems that are configured with the optional HDD Mirroring Kit for external Print Controller may contain
more than one disk.