
HDD Data Erase Kit
The optional HDD Data Erase Kit enables system administrators to configure their
imageRUNNER ADVANCE to overwrite the internal image server hard disk and erase previous
data as part of routine job processing. The technology can be set to overwrite:
1. Once with null data,
2. Once with random data,
3. Three times with random data,
4. Or DoD 5022.22M 3-pass overwrite mode.
Please refer to Section 9.2 for information on the Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Hard Disk
Drive Security Kit Options.
Timing of Overwrite
The timing of the delete is sensitive to what mode and finishing options are set at the time of
print out. Generally, if a jam or other unexpected abnormal end to operation occurs on the
device, page data will be stored until the job can be completed and then overwritten on the
hard disk drive.
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 3 – Information Security