Tire and Loading Information
No re_orders
Always check tire pressure to ensure optimum Iife and perfomlance from your tires
-Filetires tbat came with your trailer should have a tire pressure of 80 psi Sears,
Roebuck and Co, cannot be held responsible ['or damages caused by uneven tread
wear and blow outs from an under-inflated or overqnflated tire
]-he Trailer and load should never' exceed tile Gross Vehicle Weight (G VW).
Whenever loading tile traileh always cheek to see if you're within this timit See the
section on Loading the Trailer for infomlation regarding how to check
This sdeker also displays your Vehicle Identification Numbel (VtN) in the bottom,
left-hand comer
NATM Compliance
Re-order #1014245
Your trailer is in compliance with the
guidelines of the National Association of
Traiter Manufacturers Your trai_er has its
own unique number Note: This is not
,our Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
i i i i i i u u i u ii HHm , U ,m I,
O Ball and Hitch Size
Patent Advisory
PRODUCTIDC'3_I..I_ _k 0201 J_
o_ I_tgB3 )020t _ *'If' _
No re_orders
This sticker' displays the various patents
applicable to the _railer:
Your' new trailer comes with a 2qnch coupler The ball
on the tow vehicle must be 2 inches in diameter: An
incorrect ball size can cause the sepmation of the trailer
from the tow vehicle resulting in possible property
damage, serious injury and death,
Re-order #1013499