Cold inllation pressure: The pressure in the tire before you drive
Cord: The strands fbrming the plies in the tire
Cord separation: "fhe parting of cords from adjacent rubber' compounds
CracMng: Any parting within the tread, sidewall, or inner liner of the tire
extending to cord material.
CT: A pneumatic the with an inverted flange tire and rim system in which the 1im
is designed with rim flanges pointed radially inward and the tire is designed to fit
on the underside of the rim in a manner that encloses the rim flanges inside the air
cavity' of the tire
Curb weight: The weight of:a motor vehMe with standard equipment including
the maximum capacity of'fuel, oil, and coolant, and, itso equipped, air conditioning
and additional weight optional engine
Extra load tire: A tire designed to operate at higher loads and at highel inflation
pressures than the corresponding standard tire.
{Sroove: The space between two adjacent tread ribs
Inner liner: The layer(s) fbrming the inside sur[hce of a tubeless tire that contains
the inflating medium within the tire
Inner-liner separation: The parting ofthe inner liner from cord material in the
Intended outboard sidewall The sidewall that contains a white-wall, bears white
lettering or bears manufacturer, brand and/or model nmne molding that is higher or
deeper' than the same molding on the other sidewall of the tire or the outward t_acing
sidewall of'an asymmetrical tire that has a par_.icularside that must always face
outward when mounted on a vehicle.
Light truel{ (LT) tire: A tire designated by its manufacturer as primarily intended
for use on lightweight tr_cks or multipurpose passenger vehicles
Load rating: The maximum load that a tire is rated to carry fi_ra given inflation
iVlaximnm load rating: The load rating R)ra tire at the maximum permissibIe
inflation pressure tbr that tire
Maxhnnm permissible iMlation p, essurc: 1-hemaximum cold inflation pressure
to which a tire may be inflated
Maximum loaded vehiele weight: The stun of curb weight, accesso W weight,
vehicle capacity weight, and production options weighL
Measuring rim: The rim on which a tire is titled fbr physical dimension
Non-pneumatic rim: A mechanical device which, when a non-pneumatic tim
assembly incorporates a wheel, supports the tire, and attaches, either integrally or
separably, to the wheel center member and upon which the tire is attached
Non-pneumatic spare tire assembly: A non-pneumatic tire assembly intended
for temporary use in place of one of' the pneumatic tires and _ims that are fitted to a
passenger car in compliance with the requirements of this standard
Non-pneumatic tire: A mechanical device which transmits, either directly or
through a wheel or wheel center member; the vertical load and tractive fbrces from