O Lug Nuts and Tire Pressure
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control Before towing, you must CHECK;
1 Tire pressure and tread
2 Tires and wheels for damage
3 Lug nuts for tightness
For new and remounted wheels,
retighfen tug nuts at the first
10, 25 and 50 m_les o_ driving
© 2002 NAT_1
ReL0rder # 1025343
The proper tighmess (torque) for lug nuts is 95-120 ft ilb. Do not exceed 120 R/lb
Use a torque wrench to tighten the lug nuts. If you do not have a torque wrench, use
a Iug wrench (from your tow vehicle) and tighten the nuts as much as you can Then
have a service garage or' trailer dealer tighten the lug nuts to the proper torque See
the section on Tire and Safety Information fo_ more details concerning tire safety
Lug nuts are also prone to loosen after first being assembled When driving a new
trailer (or after wheels have been remounted), check to make sure they are tight after
the fi_st 10, 25 and 50 mites of driving and before each _ow thereafter
Failure to perfbrm this check can result in a wheel parting from tire trailer and a crash,
leading to death or serious injury
Securely Latching the Trailer Gate
CAUTION Ensure the trailer gates are secure during towing Failure
to insert gates securely could result in the toad separating
from the trailer causing serious property damage, person-
al injury and death.
Re-order # I012296
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Assist Wheel Caution
Always keep tireAssist Wheel up when loading, unloadin
AI WAYS load and tow the Trailer.... _,=_)_'_['__ | ..... _' 1_1
pcrmarmnl damaze to _,geAssis_ Wheel _\ _., ] _.
Pari #i 024838
or towing the Trailer,
Part #1025229
Part # 1025229