• After removing the grease cap, cotter pin, spindle nut and spindle washer,
temove the hub and drum to inspect the bearings for' wear and damage
• Replace bearings thai have flat spots on )ollets. broken loller cages, rust:or
pitting Akvays leplace beaiings and cups in sets The inner and outel bearings
ale to be replaced at the same thne
. Replace seals that have nicks, tears or wear
• kubl[cate the bearings with a high quaIity EP-2 automotive wheel bearing
E,veW thne the wheel hub is lemoved and the bearings are reassembled, follow the
steps below to check the wheel bearings for flee running and adiust
. luln the hub slowly, by hand, while tightening the spindle nut, until you can no
longer turn the hub by hand
- Loosen the spindle nut just until you ale able to turn it (the spindle nut) by
hand Do not tmn the hub while the spindle nut is loose
• Put a new cotter pin through the spindle lint and axle
- Check the adiustments Both the hub and the spindle nut should be able to
move fi'eely (the spindle nut motion will be limited by the cottei pin)
10,,Z.9 Lug Nuts (Bolls)
Lug nuts ale prone to loosen tight aller a wheel is mounted to a hub When drivhlg
on a _emounted x_,l_ee!,check to see if the lug nuts me tight after the first 10, 25 and
50 miles of driving and before each tow theteafter
[Lug nuts ate prone to loosen after initial installation, which can
lead to death or serious injury
Check lug nuts lbl tightness on a new trailer or when wheel(s)
have been remounted after the fiIst 10, 25 and 50 miles of