t0,2o6 Tires
Befdre each tow, be sure tire ti_e plessure is at tire value indicated on the sidewall
Tire pressure must be checked while the ti_e is cold Do not check the tire pressure
immediately afier towing the tiailer Allow at least three houis for a tile to cool. if
the traitel has been towed for as nmch as one mile Replace the tire befbre towing
ttre trailer if the tire treads have tess than t/!6 inch depth or the teIltale bands are
A bubble, cut ot bulge in a side wall can result in a tire blowout Inspect both side
walls of each the for airy bubble, cut or bulge; and replace a damaged tire beib_e
towing the trailer
Thes do not wear evenIy Depending on the load balance, some will wear faster
than others To help increase the life of your tires, rotate tires every 5000 miles
10.2.7 Wheel Rims
tf the trailer has been struck, or iropacted, on ol near the wheels, or if the trailet has
struck a curb, inspect the rims fol damage (e g, being out of round); and replace
any damaged wheel Inspect the wheels tot dmnage every year, even if no obvious
impact has occtmed Also check the tires _oensme they're at the recommended
I0.2o8 Wheels_ Bealings and Lug Nuts
T0 check your bearings, jack trailer and check wheels fbr side-to-side looseness
tf the wheels are loose, of spin with a wobble, tbe bearings must be serviced or
Most trailer axles ale built with sealed bemings that are not serviceable Sealed
beatings must be replaced as complete units
10o2o8ol Uusealed Bearings (Hubs)
You must inspect and lubricate the bearings once a year or every 12,000 miles to
insure sate operation of your trailer
tf a trailer wheel beating is immersed in water; it must be leplaced
If your trailer has not been used fb_an extended amount of time, have the bearings
inspected and packed more fiequently, at least every six months and p_ior to use
Follow the steps below to disassemble and serwice the UNSEALED wheel