Coupler, Load Weight and Distribution and Electrical
[_ :PI; '_WARNING;: : :l
Re-order #1024843
Loads can suddenly move or topple, which can result in death ol selious injuly
Overloaded uaiters and imprope_ tongue weight can result in loss of control of the
trailer Ensme the trailer is coupled correctly and the chains are crossed over each othm:
Ensure the toad is tied securely and doesn't exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)
Ensure the elecuical connections are tightly fitted and functioning properly Ahvays
check b_eak lights and turn signals before each tow
Watch for pinch
points while
folding or
deploying trailer
as serious iniury
could occur.
Part fl1025112
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Pinch Point Warning
Ahvays use the
Hand Crank
when tolding
and deploying
Trailer Ensure
others keep a safe
distance to avoid
any potential
pinch points
Folded Trailer Warning
]railer while in
folded position
Failme to heed this
warning may void
warrm_ and could
result in properly
damage, serious
injury or' death.
_a_ #1024837
"t'[OU Carl stoie
the rraile_ in
fblded position,
but do NOr tow
the Trailer while
it's tbIded The
1-railel may tip
ove_ Jesulting in
property damage,
serious injmy or