Connecting, 3¥mporary License Plate
t f your state requires a tempormT license on your traile< secure the license to the
license plate hotdet located on the left blinker before towing youi tlailer home
"1 /
Note: Before leaving the dealel, ensure you have the Manufactulets Certificate of
Origin (Title) signed ovet to you
Note: FoE'alI inquiries regarding trailer' title and registration, please contact your
toca[ Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) ot youi local coonly tax assessor's
Connecting the Electrical Cables
Connect the nailer lights to the tow vehicle's electsreal system using the
electrical connectors
• Check oil lights for proper' operation
I Clearance and Running Lights (Tutn on tow vehicle headNghts)
2 B_ake Lights (Step on tow vehicle brake pedal)
3 -rurn Signals (Operate tow vehicle directional signal lever')
/_ Warning: Fo ensme your' trailer lights function pioperty, firinly insert the
Plug (Yr"iiler) into the Receptor (Tow Vehicle)
Note.: [fyour colmeclor does not look like the one piclu#ed ) OUneed to purcha_e
an adapte_:
FIom Trailel From Tow Vehicle From Traiier Flora Tow Vehicle
Note: Please read Sections 4 and 5 for additional information on deploying,
coupling and towing your trailer