An Overview of the FP35 3
Figure 1.2.1—FP35 front panel
1.2.2 Front panel layout
The front panel of the FP35 analyzer consists of 8 function keys, 4 arrow keys,
and 9 other keys with varying operations. Together, these keys are used to con-
trol all the operations of the FP35 analyzer.
Function Keys:
There are five “function keys” located just below the FP35’s front panel, labeled
[F1] through [F5]. The function of these keys change from screen to screen,
according to the need of the screen. There are three basic uses of the function
For example, in the Opening Screen, pressing [F3] will take you into the Coupler
Multi-Curve screen where you can test an aid in the sound chamber.
Other Keys:
[MENU] Enters and exits the menu relevant to the current screen.
[EXIT] Exits the current screen, returning you to the a measurement
screen or the Opening Screen. Unlike the [RESET] key, press-
ing [EXIT] does not erase any data.