12 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
Allows the measurement of telecoil per
ANSI S3.22-1996 and ANSI S3.22-2003.
Also allows real-ear telecoil measure-
Telecoil Board
Allows the measurement of telecoil in
sound chamber measurements.
1.4 Optional Features for the FP35
Real-time Testing: The Composite/Digital Speech Signal Option
In addition to pure-tone test signals, you can purchase the FP35 with the
Composite Option, which provides real-time testing capabilities. Besides
instantly displaying a curve that updates up to five times a second, this test
signal is a more realistic test of compression aids than is a pure-tone sweep. It
is a complex signal, made up of seventy-nine speech-weighted frequencies pre-
sented simultaneously, that more closely resembles real-world sounds.
The composite signal can uncover the presence of intermodulation distortion in
a hearing aid. The curve “breaks up” more and more as the amount of intermod-
ulation distortion increases.
External Sound Chamber
Connect the FP35 analyzer to an external
sound chamber for better sound isolation
and positioning. Sound chamber models
6040 and 6050 can be used.