120 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
The display will change, depending upon the selection made with [F2]:
• AselectionofHTLorUCLdisplaystheaudiometricinformationindBHL
• AselectionofTARGETdisplaysthetargetcurveindBinsertiongainor
• AselectionofRECDorREDDdisplaysthatdataindBgain.
5.3.3 Entering Audiometric Information & Creating A Target
Use the following instructions to create a non-NAL-NL1 target. See Section 5.3.4
for NAL-NL1 instructions. The following step-by-step instructions assume that
you are in the Audiogram Entry Screen.
1. Press [MENU] to enter the main local menu, and select the desired EAR, and
2. Press [BACK] to enter the Target Menu, and select the desired FIT RULE and
3. Press [EXIT] to return to the Audiogram Entry Screen.
4. Use [F2] to select HTL. A small arrow cursor will appear next to a frequency
in the HTL column of the data entry box.
5. Use the [
∨, ∧] keys to move the cursor through the frequencies. Use the
[<, >] to enter the client’s threshold levels in dB HL at each frequency.
6. If you have measured your client’s uncomfortable levels:
a. Press [F2] to select UCL.
b. Use the [
∨, ∧] keys to move the cursor through the frequencies.
c. Use the [<, >] to enter the client’s uncomfortable levels in dB HL at each
7. Press [F3] to generate a target using your selected fitting rule. If you did not
enter any measured UCLs, predicted UCLs will also be generated.
8. Press [MENU] and change the selected EAR, if desired. Press [EXIT] to exit
the audiogram menu. If you entered the thresholds for the other ear, those
thresholds will automatically be copied to the current ear as a starting point.
The UCL and target values will not be copied.
9. Repeat steps 2-5 for the new ear, if desired.
Note: See Appendix E for information on how we predict the UCL values from
the threshold data.
5.3.4 Creating an NAL-NL1 Target
The NAL-NL1 fitting rule is more adjustable and slightly more complicated
than DSL and the traditional linear fitting rules. In addition to the client’s air
conduction thresholds, it takes into consideration the client’s bone conduction
thresholds, whether the fitting is binaural or monaural, the number of channels