General Operation 31
F3 KEY—Operation of the F3 key in the Opening screen. Choose from
MULTICURVE (Coupler Multicurve), TARGET (Coupler Target), and EARSIM
(Coupler EarSim). TARGET and EARSIM are only available with the Real-Ear
F4 & F5 KEY—Operation of the F4 and F5 keys in the Opening screen. These set-
tings will appear only if you have more than two automated test sequences on
your analyzer. These are the available choices: ANSI 96, IEC, JIS and ACIC (ANSI
96 with CIC correction factors).
USER LEVEL—User level affects screen layout and menu selections. Choose from
EASY and ADVANCED. See Section 2.3.2.
AUTO-SCALE—Type of scaling used when taking measurements. Choosing ON
scales the graph to the selected curve. Choosing OFF scales the graph to the high-
est curve displayed.
REFERENCE STATUS—The status of the RMS measurement of the reference
microphone. A selection of RMS measures the overall RMS of the reference
microphone. A selection of FULL measures the overall RMS and the signal quality
of the reference microphone. A selection of NONE turns off these measurements.
See Section 2.5.4.
AVG FREQS— The frequencies used for averaging in pure-tone measurements.
The last frequency of the three-frequency pair is used as the selection. See Section for a full list of the available frequencies.
EAR—The ear meant for the hearing aid being tested. Choose LEFT, RIGHT, or
NONE. The NONE selection doesn’t label the ear.
FREQ—The default frequency of the single tone measurement.
EQ INPUT NOISE—Type of equivalent input noise (EIS) included in the ANSI test.
NORMAL sets the EIN to use the entire 200-8000 Hz frequency band. A selection
of 5 KHz sets the frequency band to 200-5000 Hz (recommended), and a selection
of OFF skips the EIN entirely
DISPLAY—The type of display used in the Coupler Multicurve and Coupler Target
screens. Choose between GAIN and SPL.
RESET SRC—The default source used in the Coupler Multicurve and Coupler
Target screens.
LEVELING SOURCE—The amplitude used for leveling the sound chamber. This is
useful if you need to level with the chamber door open, and you don’t want to use
the loud default level of 90 dB SPL. Choose between 60 and 100 dB SPL.
LEVELING AUTO CLEAR—Behavior of sound chamber leveling. When set to ON,
currently displayed curves are automatically deleted when leveling the sound
chamber. When set to OFF, currently displayed curves are unaffected by leveling.