7. Vector Charts
7.3.5 How to use the SENC conversion history log
The system automatically records the results of all conversions into the conversion history log. You can view the
content of this log at any time by doing the following:
1. Spin the scrollwheel to display Menu/Info/Chart Menu in the guidance area then push the right button.
2. Choose SENC Convert from the menu then push the scrollwheel. The SENC Convert window appears.
3. After conversion (Conversion list becomes empty), click the Conv. History button. A list of converted charts
appears. Note that you can also activate the Conv. History from the "Failed SENC conversions" window.
You can view the status of converted charts on the list, and also source if it is available.
4. Click the X at top right corner to close the window.
Below are examples of all possible results of conversion:
Perfect chart
Successful auto. conv: ENC: GB203000.000, edt: 1, upd: 0 / 1999 4 3
Perfect chart that is produced by a private chart producer (i.e., chart doesn't have ENC
A private chart cannot fulfil SOLAS requirements
Successful auto. conv: ENC: AS31MATT.000, edt: 1, upd: 0 / 1999 4 8 NON E
Conversion errors, but the chart is partly usable
Use cell status to check details of errors. Note that the chart is still ENC.
Successful auto. conv with errors: ENCD ROME416050.000, edt: 3, upd: 0 / 1998 6 12
Conversion errors, but the chart is partly usable as NON ENC
Use cell status to check details of errors. Note that the chart is no longer ENC if it was produced by a Hydrographic
Successful auto. conv with errors: ENC: n1302322.000, edt: 1, upd: 0 / 1999 1 4 NON ENC
Failed conversion
Chart is not usable and you cannot view the chart.
Failed automatic conversion: ENCD ROMK3EI0XE.000, edt: 1, upd: 0 / 1999 2 17