16. Recording Functions
16.3 Voyage Log
The voyage log holds data for the entire voyage. Recorded events are:
• Changes of course and speed. User can define limits for course change and speed change of own ship to be
recorded. This data is filed in the log as type "Ship".
• User is able to define time period, how often there is a recording regardless of course or speed changes. (For
example, once per 4 hours). This data is filed in the log as type "Auto".
• Man Over Board event. This data is filed in the log as type "MOB".
• Standard event. This data is filed in the log as type "User".
• Alerts generated by the system. User is able to choose alerts, which are recorded into the Voyage log. This data
is filed in the log as type "Alert".
• Positions. This data is filed in the log as type "Posdev".
Each log entry also contains wind speed and direction, depth information and distance counter value.
16.3.1 How to view the voyage log
To open the voyage log, do the following:
Alert Log
Alert Queue
1. Spin the scrollwheel to show Menu/Info/Chart Menu in the guidance area
then push the left button.
2. Choose Record from the menu then push the scrollwheel. Choose Voyage
Log from the menu then push the scrollwheel.
3. The following window appears. Confirm that you want to open the log by
clicking the OK button. Otherwise click the Cancel button.
The system will start viewing program of log.
You can print the entire log or a desired part. To change print font size, put the
cursor on the triangle and choose desired font size. To print the log, click the
Print Log button. To print whole log, select Print All from the menu.
DIST/NM Depth/m Description
Use First 1000, Prev 1000, Next 1000 and Last xxx buttons to select desired time to be listed in the log viewer.
Note: You can add a description to a log entry. Check Enable changes then enter description desired in the text box,
using the scrollwheel.