12. User Chart Control
12.6 How to Create a User Chart
You can create and modify a user chart when you have chosen the plan mode of user chart.
Select User Chart
Note: If you want to display a user chart on the electronic chart, make sure, that Points, Symbols & Tidals, Lines
and Areas of User chart are selected to Std or Oth from the Mariner page of the Chart Display menu.
To make a complete user chart, do the following:
1. Put the cursor on UserChart in the sidebar then click the Plan button. The Plan User Chart dialog box appears in
the information area.
2. Put the cursor on the triangle in the dialog box, choose Create from the menu then push the scrollwheel. Enter a
name for the user chart; spin the scrollwheel to choose character then push it to confirm character. Click the OK
button to finish.
3. Click the Line tab, check Enable changes then click the Add button. Spin the scrollwheel in the Element type
box to choose line type then push the scrollwheel. To start a new line from a new position, check "New start
position". Check "Danger Line" if you want to use the line in chart alert calculation. Use the cursor to specify
position for line point then push the left button.
4. Click the Symbol tab then check Enable changes. Click the Add button then Define Style (Symbol or Label),
Name and Symbol character in case of symbol. "Display on radar" is automatically chosen; uncheck it if you do
not want the symbol or label to appear on the radar. Check "Danger Symb" to use the symbol in chart alert
calculation. Use the cursor to choose position for symbol or label then push the left button.
5. Click the Area tab then check Enable changes. To make a new area, click the Add button in the Area field.
Define Name for area, define also if it is displayed on Radar display (On Radar) and used in Chart Alerts
calculation (Danger Area). Use the cursor to choose position for points then push the left button.
6. Click the Tidal tab then check Enable changes. To mark a tidal on the screen, use the mouse to locate the cursor
then push the left button. Define Name, Type, Orientation, Strength and Time for Tidal. The Tidal symbol is
displayed only on the ECDIS display.
7. Click the Point tab then check Enable changes. Use cursor and left button to define location of points.