15. Navigation Sensors
Output to radar
Option Description
Output T(=True/North) only The reference field of the MWV sentence is T(True) and North data is
Output T(=True/Theoretical) only The reference field of the MWV sentence is T(True) and Theoretical data is
Output R(=Rel/Apparent) only The reference field of the MWV sentence is R(Relative) and Apparent data
is output.
Output R(=Rel/Theoretical) only The reference field of the MWV sentence is R(Relative) and Theoretical
data is output.
Option on Sensor dialog box The output sentence of the items
below changes according to setting
of Rel Wind and True Wind.
Rel Wind True wind
Output T(=True/North) or
The reference field of the MWV
sentence is R(Relative) and
Apparent data is output.
The reference field of the MWV
sentence is T(True) and North data is
Output T(=True/North) or
The reference field of the MWV
sentence is R(Relative) and
Theoretical data is output.
The reference field of the MWV
sentence is T(True) and North data is
Output T(=True/Theoretical) or
The reference field of the MWV
sentence is R(Relative) and
Apparent data is output.
The reference field of the MWV
sentence is T(True) and Theoretical
data is output.
15.9 Depth Sensor
The depth output from a depth sensor (for example, echo sounder) is shown on the Other page in the Sensors dialog
The content of the Other page in the
Sensor menu depends on sensors
In this example there are two transducers
(bow and aft) installed.
The system displays depth value as depth below the transducer. If required, you can activate an alert, in the Echo
alert box, based on the depth below the transducer. If the measured depth is less than the set at Echo alert, the
system generates the alert "320 Depth below limit".