4. Tracked Target (TT) Operation
4.5 Automatic Acquisition
This radar can acquire a maximum of 100 targets, the number of automatically and manually acquired targets
determined by the TT TGT menu setting.
TT TGT menu setting and target acquisition condition
Menu Setting Acquisition condition
MAN100 100 targets manually
AUTO25 25 targets automatically, 75 targets manually
AUTO50 50 targets automatically, 50 targets manually
AUTO75 75 targets automatically, 25 targets manually
AUTO100 100 targets automatically
A target just acquired automatically is marked with a broken circle and a vector appears within one minute to
indicate the target's motion trend. Within three minutes, the initial tracking stage is finished and the target becomes
ready for stable tracking. At this point, the broken circle changes to a solid circle.
4.5.1 How to enable auto acquisition
1. Use the trackball to select the TT ACQ mode box at the right side of the screen then push the right button to
show the TT menu.
TT menu
2. Spin the scrollwheel to select automatic acquisition condition desired, referring to the table above for details,
then push the scrollwheel.
Note 1: The TT ACQ mode box shows AUTO, AUTOMAN or MAN depending on the automatic acquisition
condition selected.
Note 2: When the menu-set number of automatically acquired targets is reached, the message "TT AUTO ACQ
100% full" is displayed at the right-hand side of screen.
Note 3: Targets cannot be acquired manually using acquisition condition "AUTO 100". Also, you cannot acquire
targets automatically in acquisition condition "MAN 100".