1. Operational Overview
1.5 The Trackball Module
The trackball module, as shown on pages 1-1 and 1-2, consists of the trackball, right and left mouse buttons and the
1.5.1 The scrollwheel
How to control items with the scrollwheel
Selections can be made on the screen by pointing on the screen with the cursor then scrolling various options with
the scrollwheel. When you put the cursor on text or numeric, it turns green, purple or blue (depending on Palette in
use) to indicate that the scrollwheel can be used to scroll options or change value. Confirm your selection by
pushing the scrollwheel.
The following items can be adjusted directly on the screen in the ECDIS mode.
Electronic chart area
Mouse functions area
(Current function of left button,
scrollwheel, right button)
*DspBase: When no options are checked on Standard page.
PartStd: When some of options (not all) are checked on Standard page.
Std: When all options are checked on Standard page and no options are
checked on Other1/Other 2 pages.
Other: When all options are checked on Standard page and some options
(not all) are checked on Other1/Other2 pages.
AllOther: When all options are checked on Standard page and all options are checked
on Other1/Other2 pages.
(1) Presentation mode
(2) ECDIS mode
(3) Display scale
(4) Chart only switch
(5) Name of display settings (DspBase, PartStd, Std, Other, AllOther)*
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Operational status icon
Rotates to confirm
system is working.
The procedure below shows you how to change the presentation mode from North Up TM to Course Up RM.
1. Put the cursor on the text at the location shown by "1." in the figure above, and the color of the text changes
from current color to green.
2. Use the scrollwheel to scroll options until Course Up RM appears. As you scroll, the color of the text changes
to magenta, blue or green depending on the Palette in use.
3. Push the scrollwheel to confirm your selection, and the color of the text becomes green. When you move the
cursor away from the text, the color of the text returns to its original color.