Appendix 4: C-MAP CM-93/3 Charts
A4.3.4 Chart catalogue of C-MAP charts
You can use the chart catalogue to graphically view content of loaded C-MAP database(s) into ECDIS.
1. Open the Chart menu and select Catalogue.
2. Select "Source of Chart Catalogue" as C-MAP. Use Navigation purpose selection to view desired charts.
Charts for which you possess a valid license are marked in green. Charts for which you have no license or the
license has expired are shown as red borderlines.
1. Source of Chart Catalogue
CD ROM: Display charts available in a named "CD ROM".
RENC: Display charts available from an RENC.
SENC: Display charts stored in your hard disk in SENC format.
C-MAP: Display charts of CM93 ed. 3 chart database stored on ECDIS.
2. View Filters
Name: Display also cell names in graphical coverage display.
Permit: Display only charts for which you have permit.
RENC Cancelled Charts: Display charts that are cancelled in an RENC.
Group: Display charts that are member of selected group.
Navigation purpose: Display charts for chosen navigation purpose (overview, general, coastal, approach,
harbour, berthing).
3. Selected Chart
Cell: Name of the chart
Open: Opens selected chart to ECDIS display.
The chart limit boxes are color-coded as follows:
You can view chart on ECDIS.
You cannot view chart on ECDIS, because license is missing or license has expired for the chart.