
Using MAC address filtering
This page lets you control access to Gateway 7001 Series self-managed AP based on Media
Access Control (MAC) addresses. Based on how you set the filter, you can allow only client
stations with a listed MAC address or prevent access to the stations listed.
For the guest interface, MAC filtering settings apply to both BSSes.
Updating settings
To apply your changes, click Update.
Field Description
Filter To set the MAC Address Filter, click one of the following options:
• Allow only stations in the list
• Allow any station unless in list
Stations List To add a MAC Address to Stations List, type its 48-bit MAC address into
the lower text boxes, then click Add.
The MAC Address is added to the Stations List.
To remove a MAC Address from the Stations List, select its 48-bit MAC
address, then click Remove.
The stations in the list will either be allowed or prevented from accessing
the AP based on how you set the filter.