Milleniumâ„¢ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 7 - 3 Spare Parts List
Millenium RO System
NOTE: Part Numbers are subject to change and should be verified when ordering
spare parts.
42047 Check Valve, Feed Line
42047 Check Valve, Product Line
1228224 Check Valve, Product Return
1236062 Fuse, 1/4 AMP, Slo Blow
1234687 Fuse, 1/8 AMP, Slo Blow
30010 Fuse Holder, Panel mount
1234685 Fuse, 8 AMP, Slo Blow
20290 Fuse, 5 AMP, Slo Blow
1234348 Fuse drawer, 1 Pole
1234347 Fuse drawer, 2 Pole
1234349 Power cord retainer
1234350 Inlet power module
30382 Power Cord (50Hz RO only, use w/ P/n 1236173)
1236173 Plug End (50Hz RO only, use w/ P/n 30382)
42048 Gauge, Product Pressure
42074 Gauge, Pump Pressure
40179 Membrane, Tape Wrapped, for 500 GPD RO (2 required)
OS1228070 Membrane, Tape Wrapped, for 750 GPD RO (2 required)
30014 Motor, 1/3 HP, 110/230 V, 50/60 Hz
35328 Fan and Motor, Cooling, 220VAC, 50Hz
35329 Fan and Motor, Cooling, 110VAC, 60Hz
35330 Power cord for Cooling Fan
12315 Power Supply PCB, 110/120 V, 60 Hz
12315-1 Power Supply PCB, 220/240 V, 50 Hz
12310 Printed Circuit Board, % Rejection
12311 Printed Circuit Board, Conductivity
12312 Printed Circuit Board, Display
20204 Disinfect Switch
20205 Lens for Disinfect Switch
40165 Pump, 100 GPH, SS, W/Regulator
50041 Pump-to-Motor Coupling
1234489 Regulator, Product Pressure Adjustment
12131 Sensor Probe, Total Dissolved Solids, Feed, Product