Milleniumâ„¢ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 4- 9 Routine Maintenance
4.2.4 Product Recirculation Check Valve Test
With Valve In RO Unit
1. Measure TDS of Product water using a handheld meter. If RO display and TDS
measurement do not match within a small amount, replace check valve. If values
match, check valve is functioning correctly.
2. Measure and record the Product water flow (using a flow meter or graduated
cylinder and stopwatch). After determining flow rate, slowly kink the waste line
being careful to not close off the flow completely. Measure Product water flow
again and compare against previous results. If there is a noticeable increase in
flow, the check valve needs replaced.
3. If none of the above occurs, check valve is functioning correctly. For further
verification, proceed with the following test.
With Valve Removed From RO Unit
1. Apply pressure in opposite direction of flow indicated on check valve. Check
pressure reading (using a gauge) and for seepage. Remove pressure from valve
and cycle it (push in direction of flow several times using care not to scratch or
damage valve). Reapply pressure in opposite direction of flow and recheck
pressure and for seepage. If pressure does not drop and no seepage is found,
valve is functioning correctly.