Milleniumâ„¢ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 5- 12 Troubleshooting
5.13 RO Fails to Draw Disinfectant
1. Pre-filter bowl leaking on vacuum.
a. Tighten bowl
b. Inspect and clean pre-filter bowl seal / replace seal.
c. Replace filter bowl
2. Disinfect line kinked or plugged.
a. Clear disinfect line.
3. Air leak on disinfect draw line.
a. Check that quick disconnect fitting is connected securely.
b. Immerse tube in solution.
c. Check tube for cracks or holes.
d. Replace quick disconnect fitting.
4. Solenoid failure in open position.
a. See 5.4
5.14 RO Pump Leaks
1. Tubing connection leaking.
a. Tighten or reconnect tubing fitting.
2. Mechanical seal failure (leaks out vent hole).
a. Replace pump.
5.15 TDS Value Fluctuates
1. Product recirculation check valve failed.
a. Refer to Maintenance Procedures for Check Valve Test.