Millenium™ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 4- 17 Routine Maintenance
Thin-film RO membranes: The Millenium™ RO unit may be stored in BIOSAN™
for up to two weeks.
5. Remove the waste and product lines from the cleaning solution and place them in
the drain. BIOSAN™ Post-Cleaning Rinse Procedure
1. Using the disinfect switch, turn the RO on and run the cleaning solution to the
drain until the container is empty.
DO NOT ALLOW THE PUMP TO RUN DRY. As an alternative, the solution
may be poured in the drain.
2. Disconnect the disinfect line from the RO.
3. Ensure that the water supply to the RO system is on. If it is partially closed, rotate
the operate/flush valve to the full flush position.
4. Push the inlet water valve switch to the ON position. Let water flow to the drain
for one minute.
5. Rotate the Operate/Flush valve to the operate position.
6. Set the RO pump power switch in the ON position. Rinse for 20 minutes with the
Operate/Flush valve in the Operate position until the % rejection and TDS
monitor displays normalize (e.g. 'usual' % rejection and 'usual' TDS reading).
Refer to your operating log for 'usual' readings and compare to the pre-cleaning
A. During this rinse period, rotate the Operate/Flush valve to the Flush position
briefly and then back to Operate three times to build-up and release pump
pressure. This aids in flushing the cleaner solution from the system.
7. Test the product water for post cleaning pH and compare it to the pre-cleaning pH
level. The values should be the same or very close. If it is not, continue rinsing
in the Operate position until equalization of the value occurs.
8. When all of the parameters (% Rejection, TDS, pH) have normalized, operate the
RO for an additional 20 minutes in rinse mode.
9. Turn the RO pump and inlet water valve switches OFF. Disconnect the product
rinse line, and drain and store it.
10. Reconnect the product line to its original connections.
11. Remove the 'Do Not Use/Contains BIOSAN™' warning label.
12. The Millenium™ RO System is now ready for use.