Millenium™ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e – 31 Mar 03 1 - 13 General Information
1.10.4 Dimensions
Vertical Cabinet Horizontal Cabinet
Height 25 ½ inches 8 inches
Depth 15 inches 15 inches
Width 8 inches 25½ inches
Weight – Operating – 55 lbs.
1.10.5 Membrane Performance Characteristics
Salt rejection (TF Membranes): 95% minimum at initial testing at factory.
Test Solution: Inlet water 1000 PPM NaCl
Conductivity: 2000 micro mhos-cm
Operating Pressure: 190 PSI, ±10 PSI
Product Back pressure: 0 PSI
1.10.6 Environmental Requirement
Minimum Maximum
Ambient Temperature 4°C (39°F) 32°C (90°F)
Storage Temperature 2°C (36°F) 32°C (90°F)
Altitude N/A 10,000 feet
This equipment must not be allowed to freeze. Irreparable harm to various
components, including RO membranes may result.
The user/operator should recognize that moisture can be caused by condensation
and is not necessarily an equipment leak. This equipment will function in the
presence of condensation.
1.11 Disposal
Disposal of this product or parts must be carried out according with local disposal codes.