Milleniumâ„¢ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e - 31 Mar 03 5- 5 Troubleshooting
5.1 RO Fails to Run
1. Power off.
a. Check position of inlet and pump switches.
b. Check power cord (plugged in).
c. Check outlet and circuit breaker/fuse panel for power with voltmeter.
d. Check fuses in RO.
2. Improper line voltage.
a. Verify that line and equipment voltages are compatible.
3. Loose electrical connections.
a. Check all wiring connections to verify solid connection.
b. Verify that plug is securely connected to outlet.
4. Inlet water valve switch not activated.
a. Check position of switch.
b. Check switch with voltmeter.
c. Replace switch.
5. Power switch inoperative.
a. Assure inlet water valve is open.
b. Check switch with voltmeter.
c. Replace switch.
6. Pump motor inoperative.
a. Verify that voltage supply is correct and motor is wired for correct voltage.
Correct as necessary.
b. Motor thermal overload switch tripped (most motors have automatic internal
reset). Motor will restart when it cools approximately 10-15 minutes. Correct
reason for the overload.
c. Remove pump head and try restarting motor.
d. Replace motor.
7. Pump inoperative.
a. Inspect pump and motor coupling for wear.
b. Clean any debris or liquid from connection area.
c. Replace pump.
d. See 5.5.
5.2 RO Runs Intermittently
1. Loose electrical connection.
a. Verify that all wiring connections are secure.
b. Verify that plug is securely connected to outlet.