Millenium™ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e – 31 Mar 03 1 - 5 General Information
1.5 Environmental Considerations
Prior to the installation of the Millenium™ RO System, it will be necessary to provide
utilities and create an environment suitable for the trouble free operation of the RO
system and its accessories.
The Millenium™ operates on 115 VAC single-phase power. Histories of power
failure, power surges, and low line voltages should be noted and reported to the
manufacturer or their agent as they may create adverse conditions for the operation
of equipment.
Reverse osmosis systems require a reliable water source. The Millenium™ RO
needs a minimum of 30-PSI pressure at a minimum flow of 2 gallons per minute. It
is important that water is flowing at the design flow rate when testing water
pressure rather than reading static pressure.
A drain outlet is required by the RO system. The drain must have a minimum
capacity of 2 gallons per RO per minute of continuous flow for as long as and as
often as the RO is operating.
The Millenium™ RO is normally connected to a cold water supply. The
performance specifications of the RO are based on 77°F (25°C) feed temperature.
Each degree Fahrenheit the feed water temperature falls, the RO product flow
decreases approximately 1.5%, and each degree Celsius drop, the product flow is
reduced by 3% (See Technote 113 for the “Temperature Correction Factors” chart).
In climates where the winter water temperature drops significantly below 77°F it
may be necessary to temper (heat) the water.
The temperature of the tempered water should be monitored closely with a
thermometer as high temperatures can damage the RO membranes and possibly
harm the patient. Refer to the inlet water requirements (Section 1.10.1) for the
maximum operating temperature for the Millenium™ RO.
It is necessary to keep the RO from freezing to prevent serious damage to the RO
The RO unit does not generate significant noise levels. Hard walls may reflect
noise and will make the RO seem louder.