Command :MACHine{1|2}:COMPare:RUNTil {OFF | LT,<value> |
GT,<value> | INRange,<value>,<value> |
OUTRange,<value>,<value> | EQUal | NEQual}
The RUNTil (run until) command allows you to define a stop condition when
the trace mode is repetitive. Specifying OFF causes the analyzer to make
runs until either the display’s STOP field is touched or the STOP command is
There are four conditions based on the time between the X and O markers.
Using this difference in the condition is effective only when time tags have
been turned on (see the TAG command in the STRigger subsystem). These
four conditions are as follows:
The difference is less than (LT) some value.
The difference is greater than (GT) some value.
The difference is inside some range (INRange).
The difference is outside some range (OUTRange).
End points for the INRange and OUTRange should be at least 8 ns apart since
this is the minimum time resolution of the time tag counter.
There are two conditions which are based on a comparison of the acquired
state data and the reference listing. You can run until one of the following
conditions is true:
Every channel of every label has the same value (EQUal).
Any channel of any label has a different value (NEQual).
real number from −9E9 to +9E9
COMPare Subsystem