Command Set Organization
The command set for the HP 16554A/HP 16555A/HP 16555D is divided into
module-level commands and subsystem commands. Module-level commands
are listed in Chapter 2, "Module Level Commands" and each of the subsystem
commands are covered in their individual chapters starting with Chapter 3,
"MACHine Subsystem."
Each of these chapters contains a description of the subsystem, syntax
diagrams, and the commands in alphabetical order. The commands are
shown in long form and short form using upper and lowercase letters. For
example, LABel indicates that the long form of the command is LABEL and
the short form is LAB. Each of the commands contain a description of the
command and its arguments, the command syntax, and a programming
Figure 1-1 on the following page shows the command tree for the
HP 16554A/HP 16555A/HP 16555D logic analyzer module. The (x) following
the SELect command at the top of the tree represents the slot number where
the logic analyzer module is installed. The number may range from 1 through
10, representing slots A through J, respectively.
Programming the HP 16554A/ HP 16555A/HP 16555D
Command Set Organization