
Module Status Reporting
Each module reports its status to the Module Event Status Register
(MESR<N>), which in turn reports to the Combined Event Status Register
(CESR) in the HP 16500/16501A mainframe (see HP 16500/16501A
Programmer’s Guide chapter 6). The Module Event Status Register is
enabled by the Module Event Status Enable Register (MESE<N>).
The MESE<N> and MESR<N> instructions are not used in conjunction with
the SELect command, so they are not listed in the HP 16554A/HP 16555A/
HP 16555D’s command tree.
The following descriptions of the MESE<N> and MESR<N> instructions
provide the module specific information needed to enable and interpret the
contents of the registers.
Figure 1-2
Module Status Reporting
Programming the HP 16554A/ HP 16555A/HP 16555D
Module Status Reporting