Command :MACHine{1|2}:TFORmat:LABel <name>[,<polarity>,
The LABel command allows you to specify polarity and to assign channels to
new or existing labels. If the specified label name does not match an existing
label name, a new label will be created.
The order of the pod-specification parameters is significant. The first one
listed will match the highest numbered pod assigned to the machine you’re
using. Each pod specification after that is assigned to the next highest
numbered pod. This way they match the left-to-right descending order of the
pods you see on the Format display. Not including enough pod specifications
results in the lowest numbered pods being assigned a value of zero (all
channels excluded). If you include more pod specifications than there are
pods for that machine, the extra ones will be ignored. However, an error is
reported any time more than 22 pod specifications are listed.
The polarity can be specified at any point after the label name.
Because pods contain 16 channels, the format value for a pod must be
between 0 and 65535 (2
−1). When giving the pod assignment in binary,
each bit will correspond to a single channel. A "1" in a bit position means the
associated channel in that pod is assigned to the label. A "0" in a bit position
means the associated channel in that pod is excluded from the label. Leading
zeroes may be omitted. For example, assigning #B1111001100 is equivalent
to entering "......****..**.." through the touchscreen.
A label can not have a total of more than 32 channels assigned to it.
<name> string of up to 6 alphanumeric characters
<polarity> {POSitive | NEGative}
<clock_bits> format (integer from 0 to 65535) for a clock (clocks are assigned in
decreasing order)
TFORmat Subsystem