Supporting Ultrium features52
HP restricted
Write delay time
The Write Delay Time field (bytes 6–7) on the Device Configuration mode page (10h) specifies the
inactivity delay before the drive will automatically flush its data buffer. A value of 0 is an infinite
delay; any other value is the delay in 100ms units.
This parameter is modifiable by a
MODE SELECT command. The default value is 12Ch (300d) which
corresponds to 30s.
Rewind on reset
The Rewind on Reset field (byte 15, bits 3–4) on the Device Configuration mode page (10h) allows
the host control over the action taken in the event of a bus reset.
If the field is 00 (default) or 10b the logical position is unchanged following a reset. If the field is set
to 01b the media will be rewound to the logical beginning of media following a bus reset event.
Partition size
The Ultrium format only supports a single partition. The Medium Partition Mode page (11h) has no
changeable fields. In the Device Configuration Mode page (10h), the Active Partition field should
both be zero since multiple partitions are not supported.
NOTE: If the SET CAPACITY command is used to create logically shortened media, the partition size
is updated to reflect the new capacity.
In the Device Configuration mode page (10h) the Active Partition field must be 0 since multiple
partitions are not supported.