Sense keys and codes60
HP restricted
04 01 LUN in process of
becoming ready
A media access command has been received while a
load is occurring with immediate report on, or initiated
through the front panel, or a different host initiated the
Action: 1. Effectively poll the drive by re-sending the command
until the media is loaded, when
additional sense of 28 00h will be set if the tape was
inserted via the front panel. Otherwise poll the drive
(TUR) until
GOOD status is reported. At this point the
command can be executed.
2. Report to the console that the drive is in the process
of loading tape.
04 02 LUN not ready, initializing
command required
A cartridge is present in the drive but is not logically
Action: 1. The software must issue a
LOAD before media access
is permitted.
2. Issue a message to the console to request a
user-initiated load, or to indicate drive status, or both.
04 07 Command in progress The tape drive is currently executing an immediate mode
04 0C LUN not accessible, port in
unavailable state
The command is not available on the specified logical
unit when sent to the drive through the specified port.
04 12 Logical unit offline The command cannot be executed because the specified
logical unit has not yet been configured via the
appropriate port.
0B 01 Thermal limit exceeded There has been a failure due to the drive temperature
being outside the acceptable range.
Code Meaning Comments