Exception handling84
HP restricted
32 Interface W The tape drive has a problem with
the application client interface:
1. Check the cables and cable
2. Restart the operation.
The drive has identified an
interface fault.
33 Eject media C
✓ The operation has failed:
1. Eject the tape or magazine.
2. Insert the tape or magazine
3. Restart the operation.
Error recovery action.
34 Download fail W
✓ The firmware download has failed
because you have tried to use the
incorrect firmware for this tape drive.
Obtain the correct firmware and try
Firmware download failed.
35 Drive humidity W Environmental conditions inside the
tape drive are outside the specified
humidity range.
The drive’s humidity limits
have been exceeded.
36 Drive
✓ Environmental conditions inside the
tape drive are outside the specified
temperature range.
The drive is experiencing a
cooling problem.
37 Drive voltage W The voltage supply to the tape drive
is outside the specified range.
Drive voltage limits have
been exceeded.
38 Predictive failure C A hardware failure of the drive is
predicted. Call the tape drive
supplier ‘s helpline.
Failure of the drive’s
hardware is predicted.
39 Diagnostics
W The tape drive may have a hardware
fault. Run extended diagnostics to
verify and diagnose the problem.
Check the tape drive user’s manual
for instructions on running extended
diagnostic tests.
The drive may have a
hardware fault that may be
identified by extended
diagnostics (using a SEND
DIAGNOSTIC command).
Flags for Additional Tape Drive Errors
Flags 40–49 are not currently used.
50 Lost statistics W
✓ Media statistics have been lost at
some time in the past.
The drive or library has been
powered on with a tape
Flag Type Set Recommended Host Message Cause